The Yosemite Trip Aug 1-4, 2019

As luck would have it, Isabel wanted to camping with Eva and so she tried to get reservations at the best place to camp on the planet. Yosemite. But she discovered that the stops only open 6 months in advance and fill up in minutes. Clearly a challenge and the guantlet was throuwn. Isabel took the challengs and got a campsite. On a choice weekend. But as luck it again, Eva got into graduate school and was scheudled to move the weekend ollowing the Yosemite weekend. She had to prepare and could not go. What to do? Hey... I want to go, and maybe Alex would like to go to. Yes, he did and so it was planned. Plane tickets and plans were made. Isabel of course got the reservations fot eh Friday before the camping (at a fantastic place) and order camping equipement (who brings camping equipement accross the country). An adventure we will always remember. I hope this photos captured some of it.And we have Isabel to Tahnk. Thank you.

Yosemite Valley
  Mariposa Grove Hetch Hetchy Glacier Point Taft Point Yosemite Night Yosemite Day

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last updated Feb 10, 2020